Science Journalism

Fermilab experts demonstrate their expertise in designing, building and testing unique accelerator magnets for the upgrade of the Spallation Neutron Source at Oak Ridge National Laboratory.
01/17/24 | Fermilab News
Northern Illinois University Professor Nicholas Pohlman has obtained a Department of Energy RENEW grant to begin a program that brings students from underrepresented groups to Fermilab for research on magnets for particle accelerators.
01/18/24 | Fermilab News

A professor at the University of Tennessee reimagines the way we teach STEM with a science-fiction story-based class.
01/09/24 | Symmetry Magazine
The ATLAS collaboration recently measured the strength of the strong force to a record level of precision, but there’s still a long way to go toward understanding this fundamental force.
12/12/23 | Symmetry Magazine

Symmetry is back with more physics-themed Halloween costumes.
10/26/23 | Symmetry Magazine
Quantum Games
I wrote this article during my senior year while taking the class Science Communication in Physics. The purpose of this assignment was to write a popular science article about a topic in physics. However, I wanted to address both the basics of quantum mechanics and the way that we teach quantum mechanics in high school and university.
This article explains how we can use games to teach students about quantum mechanics, and I argue that quantum mechanics in particular is best taught through games over other teaching modes.
Improbable, and Irreplaceable Science: From A to Z
I wrote this essay while taking a class called The Artful Interpreter: Creative Writing & Science during the Winter of my junior year. I wrote this essay about the Ig Nobel Prizes, a parody to the Nobel prizes, that celebrates science that is irreverent and amusing.
“No, I haven’t washed it yet. It probably smells disgusting. Here, take a sniff.” He hands me his jacket, which I hold to my nose. Disgusting? No, definitely not; more like delicious. You’ve probably experienced it before, when your significant other or someone you like smells so good even when they shouldn’t. But why does this happen?
12/02/18 | FaSCInate Publication

You trust the encryption systems that your bank uses to secure your accounts and that your doctor uses to keep your medical records confidential, right? These encryption systems are great at guarding against almost all attacks by modern computers, but there’s a new type of computer on the rise: the quantum computer. Not only can quantum computers easily break current encryption systems, but they also have the potential to revolutionize the way computers process information and the way scientists model natural phenomena.
2/12/19 | FaSCInate Publication
As children, we obsess over our favorite superheroes and the superpowers we wish we could have. We dress up as Spiderman for Halloween and pretend we have superhuman reflexes like Wonder Woman. Some powers, like telekinesis, are out of the reach of science. But what if some are not? In the past decade, researchers have begun developing technologies that render objects invisible to the human eye. Maybe in the near future, we’ll be able to make ourselves invisible too.
3/15/19 | FaSCInate Publication